Friday, March 5, 2010

The Wild West

West Luxembourg that is. Earlier this week the police in Luxembourg City surprised some thieves in the act at a jewelry store. The thieves fled, by car, into Belgium. The cops either did or did not ask permission to pursue them into Belgium, depending on which version of the story you hear, but pursue them into Belgium they did. Then the thieves either had a blowout or got a tire shot out, again depending on your version, jumped out of the car, and fled on foot. It's pretty well agreed that the police wounded one of the perpetrators, though they may not have had permission to discharge their weapons in Belgium, and first reports in the early morning used the marvelously ambiguous term "neutralized" for what the police did to the guy. It means he was taken out of action some way some how. An investigation has been started to clear up the confusion, hopefully before Albert II, King of the Belgians, is forced to declare war on the Grand Duke Henri, who happens to be his nephew. Film at 11.

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