Sunday, June 3, 2007

Rita and David Meet the Mayor

Our village of Hautrage used to be a commune in its own right, but in 1977 Belgium merged seven of them into the commune of Saint Ghislain. Since the town of Saint Ghislain was founded about 650, the 1970s are considered almost current events, which is why they're still talking about the merger and the history of our commune. We learned a little about this history when we went to a presentation for new residents of the commune Thursday evening. The mayor, Bourgmestre as he's called in Belgium, spoke first, then a guy who must be kind of like the town manager did a powerpoint on the commune, its services, its opportunities, and its strategic plan. Then we had drinks and a chance to mingle with all the elected officials. And we talked to the Bourgmestre. That's it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting way to educate the voters and residents -- drinks with the elected officials. ( That custom would likely be frowned upon in parts of the U. S.)The Bourgmestre seems to reflect a German influence. What in the U.S. is comparable to a commune? Would it perhaps be a county?