Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cook 'im, Dano!

We don't often see the police in our neighborhood. Ours is a pretty quiet corner of the world. So it was a little unusual to see a police vehicle on our street as we left for our evening walk. It seemed to be just driving up and down the road, and as we came abreast of them, the two officers inside rolled down the window and asked if we lived on the street. We said we did (no use trying to lie to the fuzz), so they asked, "Avez-vous vu un cochon sur la voie publique?" "Have you see a pig on the road?" Thinking we were having a language problem, we responded, as we would have even if we were native French speakers, "Huh?" But no, we had heard correctly: they were looking for a pig. We've barely seen pigs at all in Belgium, much less on our street. But we'll keep our eyes open. And if we find him, we'll be sure to tell him not to leave town.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obviously a new way to hunt pork. Wish I had thought of chasing pigs in a police cruiser. Wonder if they bar-b-qed it or cooked it some other way.