Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Another way to look at it

In the states when they put up a traffic warning sign (stop ahead, exit at X feet, etc) they go back a round number of feet and erect the sign. In Belgium they put the sign where they have room, then measure how far it is to the thing. In our village, for example, is a school-crossing-ahead sign: 65 meters. My favorite is on the way to the commissary: pedestrian crossing ahead, 62 meters (though it looks like only about 61.5 meters to me).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize you had such a talent, being able to measure the difference in 61.5 and 62 meters, that is. Keep working to develop this skill. It may be useful some day - You could retire from the govmnt and measure the distance to place signs from the hazard they are warning about. :)