Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Cows Come Home

Last year we noticed that sometime in the late fall we didn't see cows in the fields anymore. These are milk cows, so it's not like they disappeared for good, if you know what I mean. Sure enough, they showed up back in the fields in the spring. So this year we were keeping watch to determine what the magic date was for putting the cows away for the winter. 

Well, we missed it. It happened sometime between Veteran's Day and today. Today was the first time in several weeks we drove the canal road in the daylight - it's dark when we go to work now - and we realized the brown cows that graze in the field along the canal were gone. To ensure this was not an anomaly, that this wasn't just one farmer who'd put his ladies inside, this afternoon we took one of our usual walking routes that passes between two cow pastures. Nary a sign of that farmer's ladies. They're apparently all snugged up inside their barns for the winter. 

We'll be looking for them come spring.


David said...

our theory is that the magic date is st eustachian's day or some such thing.

Anonymous said...
