Saturday, August 22, 2009

Football and Beer

Noticed on a Belgian sport web site today ( that they have news of the MLS. Maybe the Belgians have an affinity for US professional soccer because the Belgian league, called the Jupiler League, is also second-rate.

Jupiler comes from the sponsor, which, not surprisingly is a beer. It's referred to familiarly as Jupe, which is interesting because that's the French word for a skirt. Jupe is one of four or five mass-market pilsners made in Belgium, along with Stella Artois, Maes, Primus, and maybe another one I'm forgetting. Stella and Jupe are both in the Anheuseur-Busch Inbev stable. To our way of thinking, Stella, which has a significant cult following in the US, is the best of the lot. That makes it, as a former colleague likes to say, the fourth worst beer in Belgium.

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