Monday, August 10, 2009

Why me?

Rita and I go for long walks several days a week (basically every day once bad weather constrains cycling), so we're often approached for directions to some place. We get asked a lot! One of the favorite destinations is the office of the doctor who has evening hours. (While she's a GP, I suspect she must have a sizable prenatal practice because we're often stopped by seemingly healthy young couples.) We've also been able to point people to restaurants, the gun club, and the accordion festival.

I'm in Germany this week. On business. Yes, we just got back from vacation in Germany, but I did spend over 24 hours at home before returning. Sometimes it just happens like that. Anyways, tonight, on my way home from dinner, a couple of young fellers pulled up beside me and asked something I of course did not understand. I fessed up right away: "I'm sorry, but I don't speak German." Undeterred, one of them switched instantly to his best English IV English: "Can you tell me where is a place where I can find Leu?" He looked a little frustrated when he got to the Leu, and since we didn't know each other's word for the object of his query, I used my fall back: "I'm a visitor here." That seemed to bring him closure and save him a little face.

If it's not bad for him, I hope he finds it.


Pop said...

What is leu? If it's what I think, maybe it would be a good word to learn in several languages.

Anonymous said...

Accordion Festival????

David said...

now, if i knew what leu was, i might have been able to help the young feller, mightn't i?

yes, accordion festival.

Pop said...

Continuing our dialogue on this subject of leu, I think the guys may have been looking for Hungarian money. See my email dated today, August 16.

By the way, Woodleaf held a tomato festival yesterday