Monday, August 9, 2010

Culture clash

People have asked what differences we're noticing between our lives in Belgium and our lives here in the States. We've talked about the traffic. That's one. But an even bigger difference is between the coffee cultures. Europeans drink coffee often but in small amounts, especially in Mediterranean countries. France and Italy are the Med countries I'm familiar with, and folks there have a 1-oz coffee several times in the morning, once or twice in the afternoon, and after every meal, often instead of dessert. Actually, if you drink it like they do--short with a couple of sugars--it makes a really nice, light dessert on its own. In Belgium and The Netherlands, they drink a slightly weaker coffee, somewhere between expresso and American coffee, about 4 or 5 oz at a time. And the only time they'll drink out of paper is when they go to Starbucks, which does exist over yonder.

What we've noticed about our compatriots since coming home is that we tend to like our coffee like we like everything else: big. The smallest cup we've found is at Dunkin' Donuts, where a small is 10 oz. Most places it's 14 oz. And try to find find someone who'll serve you in a ceramic cup. Yeah, Starbucks will do it…if the two cups they own aren't already in use…but they sometimes seem puzzled by the request. And they don't heat the cups for the expresso, which means you're drinking it lukewarm. Sorry if it makes me a Eurofag or something, but it's nice to sit at a table, have someone take your order, and bring it to you in a proper cup, on a saucer, with a cookie on the side. And yes, I also like my beer in a glass, not out of the bottle.

I think it has to do with the basic reasons the two sides drink coffee. Europeans tend to do it to slow down and take a break, while us Americans tend to want it so that we can speed up and accomplish something. Neither side's right or wrong. I guess that's just the way it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

more reasons why I miss Europe. I know I don't have the claim of living over there as you guys did, but I was there often enough, that I miss all those little things that slow things down.

by the way, LOVE the woodworking bench. I didn't know you were so handy with wood making tools though!