Saturday, May 17, 2008

So you think you're overtaxed?

We just got our Belgian income tax information. We don't have to pay, but they send the packet to all homes. The lowest bracket, up to 7,042 euros in taxable income, is 25%. (The standard deduction is just over 6,000 euros, and they apparently do not distinguish between married and single taxpayers.) The lowest bracket in the US is 10%. The highest bracket in the US is 35%, and that doesn't kick in until a single wage earner has taxable income of more than about $358,000. In Belgium taxable income over 32,270 euros ($50,000) a year is taxed at 50%. And keep in mind that all this is on top of the 21% value-added tax, which is essentially a sales tax paid on almost everything you can spend money on, including cars.

My fellow Americans, stop whining.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

but, but, but, whining is what I do best! please, please, please don't take that away. Just curious, what do you get for giving the government 70% of your earnings? How do you live on the other 30%? I wouldn't even be able to pay rent, not to mention eat. Is that why you guys are so skinny? the Belgium diet, Hmmm, can I market that in America? "Give me 70% of your pay and I GUARANTEE you will lose weight!" Hey, this may work....donald