Wednesday, April 21, 2010

SHAPE fashion report

I've mentioned before that some nations at SHAPE don't seem to have regulation footwear for their female troops, at least not when they're wearing something besides cammies. And today we saw the most extreme example yet. We were in line behind a young Slovak Air Force Captain who was wearing blue suede boots with very, very, very pointy toes, stiletto heels, and a silver filigree fan design on the heel. They matched her uniform great, but they weren't exactly the sensible shoes American or Canadian or British lady officers have to wear with their class A uniforms. They did look nice, though.


Pop said...

Does "sensible shoes" translate "clunkers"? That's what I remember of the American miliatary women's shoes.

Unknown said...

well i'm sure she learned her lesson when she got her and her feet were aching.

Anonymous said...

Where are the pictures? Remember, some of us are shoe fanatics!


David said...

pictures? 1) you have to be careful about taking pictures inside a military HQ, even in the cafeteria, and 2) taking pictures of the feet of cute slovak officers would be kinda creepy, doncha think?