Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Speaking of the Dutch

Okay, so technically you and I weren't really speaking about the Dutch, but I've been thinking about them a lot since our weekend trip to the Black Forest because just about every other vehicle on the road out there this time of year is a Dutch family either in a smallish RV or in the car towing a largish camper. It's because they're tightwads and conservative and don't want to 1) spend money on lodging, food, or drink or 2) risk not being able to find beer in one of those funny wine-drinking countries.

So now that we're both thinking about the Dutch, let's try something completely different. Allow me to direct you to a web site where we have posted (finally!) pictures of our April trip to Keukenhof. You might want to try the slide show feature at the top.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful lawn! Did you notice the flowers? Wish I could spend a day there. Speaking of the Dutch, have you found your place in the world or what! Wondering if you'll ever come home now...donald

Anonymous said...

Wow! These are great pictures of flowers and gardens and birds and what all. Reminds me -- whatever happened to the selfpropelled mower? There needs to be a followupreport.